Welcome to Project Bitch
A 1970's Style AFP Shovelhead Stroker

Bitch's To-Do List and Research Page
A Collection of Various Things I Had to Do, Find, or Look Up


All prices listed (if any) are only what I could find online at the time the item was looked up. They are for referrence purposes only and are not to be considered guaranteed by anyone. They are however to be considered god-awful high, because the Hundred-Dollars (HD) Motor Company just doesn't quite seem to grasp the fact that us average folk are on a god damn budget.


Currently Pondered Exhaust Options
Well, the Super Glide did origionally come with a 2-into-1 exhaust, so..

Part Name Part Number Years Used OEM Price
Exhaust Pipe 65311-77 1977 Only $???.00
Exhaust Pipe 65311-78 1978 - 1983 $???.00
Muffler (slash cut) 65353-78 1977 - 1979 $???.00
Muffler (cone tip) 65430-80 1980 - 1983 $???.00
Exhaust Shield Kit Front 65608-80 1977 - 1983 $???.00
Exhaust Shield Kit Rear 65609-80 1977 - 1983 $???.00
Exhaust Mounting Bracket 65760-77 1977 - 1983 $???.00
Note: This is currently just a rough idea, 5 speed transmission may not allow it to fit!
SuperTrapp 2:1 Exhaust Polished SS 826-77470 1971 - 1984 $939.00
SuperTrapp 2:1 Exhaust Chrome 828-77470 1971 - 1984 $989.00
Thunderheader (chrome) 1020 1971 - 1983 $645.35
Thunderheader (black) 1020B 1971 - 1983 $708.70
Note: Being that we are now going FLH, instead of FX,
none of the aforementioned exhaust options wil work ... Shit.


Spyke 1.4 kW Hi-Torque Starter
Starter drive gears are blown - Worst case scenario is...

Part Name Part Number eBay Price
Black Spyke Starter 411410 $329.20
Polished Spyke Starter 411110 $363.53
Chrome Spyke Starter 411210 $401.14
Starter Shaft 31482-70 $23.99
Note: Survey says... Man am I glad this bitch is black!


Seat Option
She really should stay with/as a solo mount...but I like this one.

Part Name Part Number eBay Price
Mustang Seat 75619 $296.99
Note: Still looking for a good-N-proper solo seat.


FLHS Bagger Bitch - Is this the Right Turn at Albuquerque?
Bugs famously says 'Should have turned left' ... But I can't seem to get away from baggers.

Part Name Part Number Years Used OEM Price
Rear Master Cylinder Assy. 41755-99F 1999 - 20?? $91.49
Lower Fork Leg (right) 46498-00 2000 - 2013 $175.47
Lower Fork Leg (left) 46496-00 2000 - 2013 $175.47
Fork Assy Complete (right) 46497-00 2000 - 2001 $549.30
Fork Assy Complete (left) 46495-00 2000 - 2001 $549.30
Fork Assy Complete (right) 46497-02 2002 - 2015 $549.30
Fork Assy Complete (left) 46495-02 2002 - 2005 $549.30
Fork Assy Complete (right) 46502-06 2006 - 2008 $412.45
Fork Assy Complete (left) 46495-06 2006 - 2008 $412.45
Fork Assy Complete (right) 46502-09 2009 - 2013 $403.56
Fork Assy Complete (left) 46495-09 2009 - 2013 $412.45
Note: Alice and Trixie's Fork Length (top cap to right leg flat) is 28-3/4".
However Bitch will require longer ~32" forks ... This could get interesting.

Custom Cycle Engineering Fork Tubes for 2006 - 2008 fork assemblies:
Tube Length Mfg PN JPCycle PN Price
Stock 20-1/4" T2000 230-268 $230.99
2" over 22-1/4" T2001 230-270 $234.99
4" over 24-1/4" T2002 230-271 $238.99
Note: Stock 1977-1984 FLH Fork Tubes are 20-7/8" Long ... So..
HD OEM 20.250" 45972-06 230-268 $247.22
Since the 06-08 suspension travel is only 4.6 inches
(And I don't want to give-up any), I guess we're either lowering
the frontend 5/8 of an inch, or adding a 1" cap with slighty softer springs
to get as close as possible to the stock FLHS ride height.
CycleVisions 1" Extensions CV7101 200-4047 $129.99
Most Updated-er 45930-00 230-270 $330.99
Something doesn't "feel" right, so we're leaning towards 22" (T2001) fork tubes.
And now we lean gently back towards the 20-7/8" stuff ... It's tenuous dance.
Maybe 13" shocks to level out the 22's ... In a pinch, more ground clearance
isn't a bad thing given my habits...

Part Name Part Number Years Used OEM Price
Fork Bracket Upper 56121-73A 1977 - 1984 $120.00
Fork Bracket Lower 45700-69A 1977 - 1984 $140.00
Headlamp Housing Left 67847-60 1977 - 1984 $135.00
a pair
Headlamp Housing Right 67848-60 1977 - 1984
Handlebar Clamp Cover 56590-60 1960 - 1978 $35.00
Handlebar Clamp Cover 56590-79 1979 - 1984 $35.00
Spotlight Bracket Left 68603-62 1962 - 1967 $20.00
Spotlight Bracket Right 68604-62 1962 - 1967 $20.00
Spotlight Bar 68780-68 1968 - 1984 $50.00
Front Highway Bar 49040-79 1979 - 1984 $150.00
Rear Highway Bar Kit (chrome) 49137-67B 1967 - 1984 $150.00
Rear Highway Bar Kit (black) 49135-67B 1967 - 1984 $150.00
16" Cast Front Wheel Assembly 43345-84A 1982 - 1986 $110.00
43493-87A 1987 - 1999
Brake Caliper Left (black) 43027-08 2008 - 2017 $213.15
Brake Caliper Right (black) 44023-08 2008 - 2017 $213.15


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